I know things have been a bit quiet in the western front and believe me I wish I could have said it was me piss farting around and not doing anything but I have been really busy and I have neglected this blog. I had a lot more content from previously but it did not come across well in the transfer and I promise I will try to restore what I can.
10th May comes and on rolls on Mother’s Day in Australia. This is going to be a sweet one of course .. the down side is that I will not be able to see my mother. She’s been there when I have been filial, when I’ve been a bitch, when I have cried and when I have let out my deepest laughs. She understands me and she is me. In many ways, I am her. So as the day rolls on, I’ll be Facetiming her to let her know how much she means to me.
I made my mother a gift, but it was for Christmas just past. She has it in her house so I will post a pic of it here to brighten your day. Please don’t laugh. This is my first attempt at it.

This is one of my favourite songs. For you, mum 🙂